Noor Bchara

Oct 7, 2020

Upcycled Design Jewelry Workshop with Danielle Keller Aviram

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

If you've ever thought about making upcycled jewelry, this workshop is for you.

You will learn what upcycling in jewelry is and how you can create upcycled jewelry.

Danielle Keller Aviram begins with reviewing the jewelry supply chain and the impacts created by jewelry production.


Upcycled fashion is becoming a more common strategy for many sustainable fashion brands but there are many differences in the supply chain between fashion & jewelry especially when talking about upcycling.


This workshop emphasizes the opportunities for change when focusing on upcycled jewelry and how they can be translated into actions.


Mentioned in this workshop:


FREE GUIDE to Finding Upcycled Materials


How to Find Upcycled Materials and NOT Get Lost in the Process

"Noor's List": 25 + sources from around the world to find UPCYCLED materials

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