Upcycled Pom Pom Workshop with Karelle Levy of KRELwear
KREL Tropical Knitwear is a Miami-based sustainable collection founded by fashion designer and textile artist Karelle Levy in 2002.
KREL’s philosophy is based on inclusive sizing to fit most body types thanks to its signature, seamless knit designs known as “TOOBULAR” construction. From yarn to garment, each unique piece is loomed from cotton, bamboo, Tencel, Lurex, rayon and polyester blends at her Miami atelier, and some even glow in the dark. The eco-friendly concept produces zero waste, since all scraps are recycled into bags, blankets and toys.
Karelle is also a fellow Arts Envoy Alumni. We met in the Dominican Republic when we were both sent there to teach their local fashion students about upcycling and sustainability in a weeklong intensive sponsored by Arts Envoy and in partnership with the US Embassy.
Mentioned in this workshop:
Karelle's story of how she got started
The strategies KRELwear uses to be as sustainable and zero-waste as possible
How KRELwear integrates upcycling into the brand
Tour of the studio/shop and meet Maggie - the high tech knitting machine that all KRELwear pieces are produced on
Cardboard method
The process of how to make your own pom pom loom out of cardboard
Find 2 things in your house that are circles in 2 different sizes that can be traced
Demonstration of how to make a pom pom out of an old t-shirt or sweater
Upcycled Pom Poms can make great holiday ornaments, Ugly sweater decorations or gifts

-Cardboard (enough for 2 large circles)
-Scissors (1 for cardboard, 1 for fabric)
-2 Circular things (1 must be double the size of the other)
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