What Does Empowerment Mean To You?

In honor of International Women's Day on March 8th, I've decided to reflect on empowerment and what it means to me.
The definition of empowerment is the “authority or power given to someone to do something” and “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights."
In my life, empowerment has meant that I have the freedom and autonomy to do things for myself, regardless of being a woman.

Empowerment means being a feminist and not allowing other people's expectations to define my choices.
Empowerment also means having a strong sense of self. Knowing who I am and what my values are, and sticking to them.
Empowerment means being able to be myself and express myself both creatively and emotionally with my work and my relationships.
Empowerment means having access to knowledge to be able to make my own decisions and to be able to choose my own path.
Empowerment means believing in myself and trusting myself.
Empowerment means aiming high and being disciplined in order to achieve my personal and professional goals.
Empowerment means speaking up and standing up for myself.
Empowerment means learning how to fix things using the right tools (and learning how to break out tiles and walls and floors in my house.)
Empowerment means working out every day to feel strong and take care of myself.
Empowerment means sharing my knowledge and ideas and inspiring others.
Empowerment means making an impact on the world.
What does empowerment mean to you and how does it impact your life?

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